Citrus Academy Bursaries

About the bursary fund

The Citrus Academy Bursary Fund was established in its current form at the beginning of 2006.


The purpose of the Citrus Academy Bursary Fund is to provide young people with opportunities to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills and exposure to allow them to enter the citrus industry and engage in long and fruitful careers.


Bursaries are awarded to students in citrus-related study fields, divided into three categories, being postgraduate studies, undergraduate studies and BEE bursary support.


Citrus Academy is not an academic institution. We offer bursary support to students studying towards agricultural-related qualifications at tertiary institutions in South Africa.

Bursary applications are open from 1 June-15 September each year.

Tertiary education bursary support

Students can apply here!

BEE citrus enterprise bursary support

Citrus farmers can apply here!

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