Citrus SuperPower

Programme information

The Citrus SuperPower programme has been developed in response to a need for quality supervisor training in citrus workplaces. The programme focusses particularly on supervisory skills, in addition to developing the communication and numeracy skills needed to progress in the workplace and does not deal with technical or operational skills. The programme can therefore be used in all kinds of workplaces, including nurseries, packhouses, farms, etc.


Effective supervisor training must be delivered in workplaces and requires a longer-term intervention than only a once off training course. It is furthermore critical to the success – or stickability – of supervisor training that it is integrated into the management system in the workplace, which requires the cooperation from everyone on the management team.


To enable these critical success factors for effective supervisor development, the SuperPower programme makes use of a train-the-trainer model. The Citrus Academy implements the Citrus SuperPower Trainer Development programme, which consist of online training modules, a 5-day face-to-face workshop and ongoing mentorship and support.


Once a person has qualified as a SuperPower Trainer, they can implement the SuperPower programme in workplaces in their local area. The Citrus Academy will monitor the programme implementation, review the outcomes, and – if all is in order – issue Citrus SuperPower certificates to the successful graduates.


For more information on the two components of the programme, please click on the appropriate icon below.

Trainer Development

Workplace Programme

Please visit the Citrus SuperPower Trainer Development application page to enrol in the next workshop.


Please visit the Citrus SuperPower Workplace Programme registration page to register a workplace programme